Superpower Girls Playdates Kit
Do your children's friends enter the house and ask for your wi-fi code? It's time for some playdate ideas! Create some memories, jazz up playdates, and guide kids toward social, engaging, imaginative play.
This playdate kit is designed for two children, ages 3-7. Girls unlock their inner superhero exhibiting courage, helping people, and solving problems without violence.
Through playdates, children learn to work together. No matter your child's social development -- parallel, associative or cooperative play -- this kit will fit the bill, providing hours of fun and lots of social engagement.
Have a few playdate kits hidden away on the top closet shelf for an easy activity with little planning required. Playdates kits make a great gift.
Kit includes:
- a secret scroll with 3 missions
- 2 capes
- 2 masks
- 2 superpower cuffs
- 2 Creator comics
- 12 mini-markers
- assorted foam shapes for decorating
SIZE: 11” x 10.1” x 2.2”
AGE RANGE: 3-7 years
Developmental Value
Kids can get over-structured with school, sports and classes. Kids can get under-structured with way too much isolated or side-by-side screen time. We all want our children to be happy and have friends. Social skills have never been more important. Nearly twenty years ago child development researchers became clear that one-on-one playdates are the best way for children to build close relationships.
Unstructured play with other children is a critical part of early childhood development. Unencumbered play gives kids the opportunity for imaginative and pretend play and the time to be silly with peers. They get to be kids with few stereotypes or rules to follow.
Playdates help your child learn who they click with and maybe why they have a great time with certain friends but not others. Once they find someone they like, children have the opportunity to connect more deeply and build a trusting relationship with a friend.
Parents are key in successful playdates.
Planning activities ahead of time, like coloring books, play-dough or Playdate in a Box guides the children into engagement before the parent can move away in quiet supervision.
When the parent puts a little time aside for your child to have a friend over, it helps the child feel like they matter outside the rest of your family group. It helps them feel like they have their own life, they are an individual.
Playdates at your house allow you, the parent, to better understand how your child interacts with others.
Social skills of cooperation, sharing and good manners come with practice but occasionally need soft-touch adult intervention.
Mommyprenuer Letitia Fox is bringing old school play back for kids! Remember when we were young and played together without electronics? Letitia remembers chasing armadillos in Texas with her girlfriends.
As a Mom of 2 children ages 6 and 8, Letitia inspires her kids to put the tablets and phones aside and play with friends instead of turning into zombies and fighting over what they are watching. I'm sure you can relate. It's a challenge finding interactive activities for children. So, Letitia created the go-to box -- Playdate in a Box! It encourages kids to put technology aside and play with their playmate while using their own creative imagination. It promotes social interaction and hours of fun!
Let's bring old school play back!